
Periodic table displays

Technology meets passion and perfection

Luxury wall mounted Periodic table display with LED illumination

Size: 1465 x 800 x 32mm.

118 compartments for our acrylic cubes, Illuminated on two sides by power LEDs

Illumination: White daylight LED. Front material: brushed black Acrylic (other colors and materials available on request). Frame:chromium plated Aluminum

Interactive periodictables with programmable RGBW Leds where single elements, groups etc. can be illuminated using an android app or web application.

In a world of mass production and high speed life, the chemical elements form an archaic antipole: They are a clearly defined, measurable and inmanipulable resource. In our lab we only use materials of highest quality. We colaborate with renowned scientists, designers and artists to cope with the great responsibility.

Our element samples are used in many important and famous periodic table collections allover the world!


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